BREAD (2012)
Directed and Devised by Hannah Lax
Created in collaboration with the cast: Jason Joseph, Daniel Whitehorn, Ananda Paver, Maude Sandham, Rachel Neary, Heather van Niekerk and Elisha Mudly.
Costume Design: Hannah Lax
Scenic Design: Hannah Lax
Technical Direction Willie Coombs
Lighting Design: Jade Manicom
Special thanks, as always, to Janet Buckland
Strange weather for August. As die blare van die boom af val, herrinner dit jou dat dit nou Herfs is…Falling things. Forgotten things. I can feel it in my bones. The history lurks beneath and rumbles, moaning to breathe fresh air again. Jy kan dit ruik: vuil things; jy kan dit sien. Dié plek se geskiedenis. The history wag onder die vel. It doesn’t want to be forgotten. Die bome vergeet nie. But I often wonder if the trees forgot what they saw here and at that house. If they closed their eyes and wished for peace and questioned whether they saw what they saw how they saw it. Perhaps ek is 'n tree? Ne? Ha! Ja wat, fokkie bome. Ek lyk nie soos die.
Bread is the story of a baker, his life and how it is remembered by those around him.
Photos by Cat Pennels